

Not forever, but still, almost…

Why walk in, in the first place, if it was only to leave your footprints all over?

I could trade off

All those funny, crazy, silly, and therefore, happy moments,

The lovely evenings,


For the sadness that was left behind by the departure.

We think we are happy, perfect the way we’re doing, the way it had been always, that we do not need anyone/anything more and that there is no more space in our scheme of things for anyone else new. Until when someone enters your life, mark their place, linger for a while, make a mark, makes you wonder how you managed without them till now and leaves eventually, only to leave behind a void that cannot be filled. At the end of day, when you recline and think of it all from a strange perspective, all your life is just some holes woven together as in a fishing net.

I know its weird, but sometimes I feel that all of ours lives is one big painting, credited to a large number of artists – the people who come across in our life and leave eventually, all of them contributing a brush stroke, or more – there may be some dark shades as well, but in overall, they add to the beauty of the picture, and they highlight the bright shades as well. We too contribute to many paintings as well. So, to all those on whose canvas I’ll get/had already got a turn with the brush – I am a horrible artist, literally and otherwise, so I cant promise to make your painting a Monalisa, but I’ll try my best not to spill a colour, and to give it my best shot, I mean, best stroke. And to all those who will make my painting beautiful (hopefully) – I like shades of blue. Please be careful not to leave no smears all over.

So, see you when I see you next.

Note to self: (1) Never get too attached to anything.

                     (2) Be cold-hearted.        

- r a m z


Durga Nandan said...

ithrem vegam virakthikku thayyaredutho? :-o :)

Anonymous said...

'all your life is just some holes woven together as in a fishing net.- very thoughtful line Ramz... Nd the 'note to self' points are absolutely true.,yet they are too hard to implement.:)

Anonymous said...

wat to say yaar..I've become a much responsible gul i think :) taking care of things at home daz y..hectic sometyms..However, d same boring lyf.. suckz to d core :( yet i should say dat 'm happy :) :)coz, we become what v say, ryt?? :D

Veda said...

"all of them contributing a brush stroke" - SO SO true. Thats all they do. After all the hours spent together, at the end of the day, thats all they leave behind.

lovely write up. Dont agree with note to self 2 though..cold hearted is a lil too strong. Practical. But strong.

anyway keep writing & thanks fr dropping by the blog. :)

Vyazz said...

Hmmm...U reminded me of the posts I once wrote called vacuum and transit passengers. Newayz, Its true, people come and go in our lives filling it with colour now and then. And frankly being humans, its very hard to not get attached to someone in the long run. As much as we hate it though, everything in life is a transit. Nothings permanent. Its just that we have to make peace with that fact and live on.
Nice contemplative write up!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

people come and go, new people also come. its your responsibility to stay in touch with the people gone :-)

AnjuGandhi said...

meeting people and getting attached to them and then suddenly finding them out of life is part of growing up process. Both the events teaches us something new. And it is better for us to take the +ive aspects of them and then move on for new learnings. That is the only way to survive. If you can maintain contacts with the ones gone by, good for you but if not then dont worry.

Anonymous said...

Its easy to stay in touch with the people whom you like. I am still in contact with one friend of mine from Chandigarh. Only her, because she was my best friend :-)
Now, I am going to separate from all my friends, I will stay in contact only with one girl, A. I am not big friends with rest!

AnjuGandhi said...

Hi rameez, Thanx for this line"its better that we never meet people or get attached at all.." this gave me an idea for my new post. and thanx for commening on my mother wala post, That also gave me inspiration to write my new post. keep inspiring me with your comments.

Amrit said...

The last para is simply heart-touching rameez. So very true!! Well composed.

And thanks a million for dropping by and commenting. A great sense of humor you have...I must say :)

Stay tuned.

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Anonymous said...

So thought-provoking. Its like Buddha's 'desire is the root cause of all evil'. But isn't the desire to 'not be attached' the greatest string of them all?! Very confused right now. Will be back for more later.
- http://writerzblock.wordpress.com/

bhadra said...

ur words does not hav the smoothness of a preconceived notion.it has a grainy texture of heart.loved it :)

Jinju S. said...

i felt like u gave words to my own feelings.i guess it's a universal phenomenon u described here.Flavia Weeden's words come to my mind: "Some ppl cme into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts and we r never ever the same." genuine, earnest and very well-expressed. keep it up! :)