"And, the last toast to this guy, without whom we wouldnt have won this Team Excellence Award.
Keep going.
Cheers, brother!"
Ohoi ohoi (Chorus)
"Me? I had as much role in it as had Sreesanth in India's World Cup win!"
"All those extra efforts we put in, all those extra miles we ran, the extra hours at night we put in, everything extra that we did which fetched us this recognition and this degree of appreciation....
....was all spent on fixing your screw ups. Way to go."
Whatta sense of accomplishment.
Milliblog Weeklies, Week 268 – March 2, 2025
1 week ago
Ohoi Ohoi..
extra efforts & extra miles....yes...I have seen him do it....taking extra effort to reserve tatkal ticket to go home when the project is in peak & running extra miles to make sure he reaches home at 7am instead of 4:30am on Saturday.....
CONGRATULATIONS for winning Team Excellence Award....Good Job Team (not for u)
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