

"Mom, it was my birthday yesterday. I turned 24."
"Whoa. I feel old."
"Oh yeah congrats son.
But thats not an achievement isnt it?
I mean, you would grow up anyways"
"Mistimed humour. Say something nice, mom"
"Fair. Something pleasant?"
Well, yeah, its amazing when you think of it.
I mean, it all happened so fast.
I remember as if it were yesterday that I changed your nappies, that you got almost expelled from kindergarten, that you wetted your bed in VI std.."
"Mom, can you pass the sauce please?"


Durga Nandan said...

pass the sauce u mean :P
and yeah, ur head seems small compared to ur body in the pic. must be the shadows eh?
and get well soon. :)

rameez said...

Thanks Durga.
Yes, pass the sauce indeed. Edited!

Must be the shadows, but pea-sized brain doesnt need much of a headspace, now that I think of it.